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CloudFlare Review

CloudFlare is a very good solution for making your websites fast, secure and reliable. Those who hadn't heard of CloudFlare would be now asking to yourself what is CloudFlare service right? Well I would tell you in detail about it, How it works, What all it could do which will help you a lot! This is the CloudFlare review that I have prepared for you! What is CloudFlare? CloudFlare is a Free (as well as Paid) service which will make your websites fast, secure and reliable! It automatically optimize Read more
July 12, 2012

Tips for Server Admins & Website Owners

I have been writing a lot of tutorials about software installations, server security and lots, but I haven't told about tips to keep in mind while managing a server right? Well here it is! This is about you guys who manages servers by yourself. Backup Always always always backup your server and websites, we cannot actually predict when the server crashes or hacked. If you don't have a proper backup solution which is ready to restore your websites at any time, then you would be in trouble!If you Read more
July 9, 2012